RDSEA has recently been engaged by the Seafloor Massive Sulfide (SMS) exploration community (i.e. Deep Sea Mining). Deep sea mineral explorers search out submarine hydrothermal vents near plate boundaries long recognized to contain SMS deposits of high grade copper, zinc, silver, gold and other trace minerals typically found in water depths exceeding 1,000 meters. In parallel to AUV, ROV, drilling operations, and multi-beam bathymetric surveys of the sea-floor, RDSEA is contracted to provide complete water column current velocity and direction of mining tenement areas based on in-situ measurements including analysis and description of the variation in currents throughout the record. For full discussion see the article
"Deep-sea Miners Engage Physical Oceanography". To see our SMS ADCP system deployment, go to our
video gallery and click on SMS ADCP System Deployment.