$5M Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE Awarded
RDSEA Ocean Climate Monitoring, Tropical Pacific
RDSEA deploys for Institute of Ocean Chinese Academy of Sciences. 147E / 2N, Equatorial Pacific Ocean. October, 2017. Research Vessel “Hong Dong Fang 2”. Qingdao, China to Pohnpei, Micronesia.
RDSEA Joins XPRIZE Shell Ocean Disccovery Team
RDSEA to support the Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE
2016 MTS Buoy Workshop, WHOI, MA
2016 MTS Buoy Workshop, Complete Success
Success in the Caribbean, Costa Rica
RDSEA and Campbell Scientific Partner in the CaribbeanRDSEA International (St Pete Beach, FL) and Campbell Scientific; Centro Caribe (San Jose, Costa Rica) in collaboration have been awarded a contract with APM Terminals (Netherlands) for a MetOcean and EIS study of harbor and port expansion in Limon, Costa Rica. Full surveys, and a real-time data program […]
Tampa Bay PORTS Adds Waves Buoy
RDSEA supports the Tampa Bay Physical Real-Timie System (PORTS) by installing a new waves buoy system at the enterance to Egmont Channel, Tampa Bay. On June 5th, a new Datawell Waverider Mk II wave monitoring buoy was deployed on the Tampa Bay PORTS system. Wave height, period and direction along with sea-surface temperature will be […]
Marine Optical Buoy (MOBY), Lanai, HI, 2015
RDSEA supports Moss Landing Marine Laboratories in Hawaii, May, 2015. The Marine Optical BuoY (MOBY) is a NOAA funded project to provide vicarious calibration of ocean color satellites (SeaWiFS and MODIS). MOBY is an autonomous optical buoy which is moored off the island of Lanai in Hawaii. The system was designed for measuring sunlight incident […]
2015 IEEE Currents, Waves and Turbulence Measurement Workshop
2015 IEEE Currents, Waves and Turbulence Measurement Workshop; St Petersburg, FL “Quality from End to End“ In today’s world, there have been many changes in the science and technology of current, waves and turbulence measurement. Sensors are linked to real-time data telemetry, QA, archiving, processing, and distribution systems and what happens to data in these […]
RDSEA Summers in Alaska, 2014
RDSEA International, Inc. and Olin Hydrographic Solutions (Miami, FL) recently complete an oceanographic assessment and survey for a new platform production facility to be installed in Cook Inlet, AK for Furie Alaska and Crowley Marine. Furie is presently drilling both exploration and development wells with a jack-up rig in the Cook Inlet region. A platform, […]
2014 ONR/MTS Buoy Workshop, San Diego, CA
10th Bi-Annual ONR/MTS Buoy Workshop