RDSEA Joins XPRIZE Shell Ocean Disccovery Team

Historically, access to the deep ocean has been limited by the extraordinary physical challenges of exploring this extreme environment, high cost, limited technological advancements, and lack of investment.
The $7 Million Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE is a global competition challenging teams to advance deep-sea technologies for autonomous, fast and high-resolution ocean exploration. The success of this prize will allow us to fully explore and map the ocean floor, and uncover our planet’s greatest wonder and resource for the benefit of humanity. The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) $1 million bonus prize will incentivize teams to develop technologies to detect the source of chemical and biological signals underwater. RDSEA will support all teams and logistics of the project; L-R: Dr. Jyotika Virmani, Geoff Lebon, Jim Morris and RDSEA President, Rick Cole in Los Angeles, CA, at XPRIZE offices.