President and COO Rick Cole will update on recent activities in the Atlantic Ocean on the PIRATA Program that Brazil’s climate monitoring community is developing.
RDSEA Awarded New Contract with the NOAA
RDSEA has recently been granted a new contract with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for year 2012.
“ADCP’s in Action”
The successful deployment and recovery of two deep water mooring systems with “DVS” ADCPs installed in the Indian Ocean is discussed.
Oceans ’11 MTS/IEEE KONA
For OCEANS ’11, RDSEA and colleagues from the First Institute of Oceanography (FIO), Qingdao, China presented the results of three years of work in the Indian Ocean sharing data collected from two buoy and mooring systems recovered since deployed in early 2010.
2012 ONR/MTS “Buoy Workshop”
Heads up everyone! The 2012, “ONR/MTS “Buoy Workshop” planning and scheduling is well underway. Walter, the “Boss” (Judy) and myself have begun the process of setting up next years’ meeting.
RDSEA back in the Indian Ocean (IO) on RAMA
The first “turn-around” cruise (BPPT BJ-III) for FIO-China took place this past Feb./Mar. recovering two buoy systems in the 8S/100E region of the eastern IO as part of the international program RAMA, a sub-program of the Indian Ocean Observing System (IndOOS). A sub-surface ADCP system was also deployed just south of Java. A very successful cruise was accomplished with all gear recovered and new systems re-deployed.
Coming Soon! Project video and animation.
RDSEA will be adding video and animation content to the gallery soon.