RDSEA and Navocean Partner on New Coastal Ocean Observing Networks Plans

RDSEA is deployed globally and responds to the call from the “U.N. Decade of Ocean Science” in support of all efforts in ocean-health monitoring, mitigation, and the move towards sustainable development of Earth’s marine ecosystems. In partnership with ASV provider Navocean (Seattle, WA) we aim to combine use of emerging Blue-Technologies and support efforts coastal and deep, offering fixed (buoys), and moving (ASV), time-series data with a focus on harmful algal bloom (HABs) prediction and early-warning. Our combined plan for a Florida Coastal Ocean Observing System (“FLCOOS™”); monitoring real-time parameters of met-ocean/water-column physics, water-quality/eDNA, and contributing to existing and creating new systems models, advances our understanding of social impacts, and beyond.
Todays’ Ocean Observing Systems continue to evolve. We have entered the new era of big data, pushed through high resolution satellite, cellular and Wi-Fi telemetry systems, past the desktop and onto Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) for AI model processing and dissemination. Zoom-in, fast sampling of water-quality, met-ocean parameters, and more, now line our coastlines and, the Subsea IoT moving data from the seafloor and water-column to the surface will soon be the method of choice for ocean-data program managers. Providing solutions to the very complex and complicated task of working in our offshore environment is our passion, innovation is key, and project success is our goal.